#WeAreTheirVoice – Pasado’s Safe Haven

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I have had the opportunity to start volunteering at the Pasado’s Safe Haven sanctuary over the past few months and I have been loving the experience and opportunity to give back! So much so, that I wanted to share a little info about them!
Pasado’s Safe Haven was founded in 1997 in honor of “Pasado“, a beloved donkey who was tortured to death by three teenage boys (you can read more about Pasado here). Located on 85 acres in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, they are a non-profit on a mission to end animal cruelty.
Their 85 acre sanctuary is home to hundreds of animals including dogs, cats, and farmed animals. Most arrived from abuse or neglect and now live out their lives in peace and safety. This is where I get to volunteer (mucking stalls and loving on animals that need to be socialized so they can be adopted out to good homes).
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In addition to providing sanctuary and rehabilitation to animals who have suffered from cruelty and neglect, they advocate for better laws to protect animals and work to educate the public about how they help end animal cruelty – for all animals. They are helping improve the response to crimes against animals through investigations, rescue and training programs.
On top of that, they are working on supporting their local community through Homelessness prevention and outreach. They are working to reduce shelter overpopulation and unnecessary euthanasia through innovative spay/neuter and pet food bank programs for income-qualified families. Every year they engage tens of thousands of people with online and sanctuary-based educational and advocacy opportunities to reduce suffering and grow compassion for animals.
You can read more about their programs here.
Go grab a box of tissues and prepare for the waterworks as you watch this video that provides a visualization of their mission and the work they do to help animals.
Getting Involved
Do you have a passion for animals and fighting to end end animal cruelty? Then Pasados could be the place for you to get involved. If you are in the Seattle area, they are always needing more hands on the farm to support their day to day needs! If you can’t make it in person, here are a few other ways to get involved.
Immediate Need
They are in immediate need of plastic crates of specific sizes to help the animals that urgently need help!
These crates are needed for:
- Large-scale rescues
- Vet emergencies
- Our low cost spay/neuter clinics
- Emergency evacuations
- General transport
These same crates are also used at the sanctuary to give recently rescued, shy animals a safe space, and to make warm beds to snuggle in.
They need a specific style and size of crate – because they are safe, enclosed, plastic (easiest to sanitize), reliable and stack-able. You can help buy these crates directly from their amazon wish list and they will be delivered right to their door (easy!).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]