Hieroglyphics Trail – Arizona Hiking Trails

Distance: 3 miles
Elevation Gain: 567ft
Time: 2-3 hours
Location:Gold Canyon, AZ
Trail Status: Well Maintained
Difficulty: Easy
Required Passes: None
You’ll be parking at the Lost Goldmine Trail. If you’re like us and using All Trails to navigate to the trailhead, you might have been a little confused to see this (since it’s not mentioned anywhere on the app). There is a large parking lot and no pass is required. There is a map at the trailhead to show you how to navigate to the Hieroglyphics Trail (also pictured below).
Quick Trail Report
(Hiked May 2019) This was a beautiful hike! This was our first time in the Superstition Wilderness and I though this hike perfectly captured the desert. There were tall saguaro’s, fields of golden grass, rocky mountains around us, green vegitation, and a slowly drying up water area that was a waterfall earlier in the year.
It’s labeled as moderate, but I would consider this a pretty easy, quick, out and back hike. There were families with young kids trecking along easily. The trail is well maintained and accessible year-round (though this may have been impacted by the recent wildfires).
You’ll have approximently 1.5 miles in, where you’ll find a large walk face with fading heiroglyphics. You can climb up on the rock walls for a better view of them! The views looking back into the valley are very pretty.